I was playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and “met” the character Wu Zhi “Woozie” Mu. This is an animated character, with a human actor’s voice playing during the cutscenes. But Woozie’s voice sounded odd to me… not really credible as a Triad (“Chinese mafia”) leader.
For one thing, he sounds way too young to be a leader- maybe this is intentional. Also… he has no accent. Actually, he has a very slight accent, but it isn’t like anything I’ve heard from any of my Chinese or Chinese-American friends. The person he sounds most like to me is documentarian John Neely, who I happen to know is half Japanese. Neely does not have an accent.
Turns out the voice actor is Japanese. This is my pet peeve, even when it turns out in favor of Japanese-Americans- ALL LOOK SAME. Please directors, if the character is Chinese, use a real Chinese American voice actor. But was I just lucky? Or is there something subtle there I am registering?
Racist! Or… connoisseur?
Read this: http://junichisemitsu.com/2005/03/for-api-cowboys-and-cowgirls.html