Strip your own bones

You ever wonder how they get animal skeletons in museums so nice and white? It looks a lot better than the turkey after Thanksgiving.

The preferred method of skeletonization these days it “dermestids” – a carrion-eating beetle. Museums keep colonies of these things.

The best / most disgusting part of this: in order to grow a colony, you start with a few beetles, and give them an entire animal head to clean. They eat the brain, and the population explodes.

When you have less “work” for them, you just stop feeding them. The population dies down to a lower level.

  • The Boneroom, the only shop I know of where you can walk in and get bones from pretty much anything.
  • get your own “starter kit” of dermestids!
  • Or buy from here, “Derestids, Inc.” Awesome.
  • A look behind the scenes at the Museum of Texas Tech University … into their dermestid colony. Look at all the racks of boxes. Pretty crazy.
  • Another behind the scenes look, this one from University of Michigan.

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