I’ve been following Frank Sekiya in the press for a while now- he’s a nursery owner in Hawaii (Oahu) who specializes in exotic fruit trees.
I need to get my greenhouse/conservatory together so I can have a mangosteen. I want fruits no one has heard of before. I want to make sauces that are impossible to buy!
Frank Sekiya
Frankie’s Nursery
Tel: +1 808 259-8737
41-999 Mahiku Place
Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795
Articles online with Frank Sekiya in them:
- “HAWAIIAN JOHNNY APPLESEED SOWS EXOTIC FRUITS” (2000), by Paul Spencer Sochaczewski
- A prettier version of this same article in Spirit of Aloha
- “LANDSCAPE IT … then eat it ” (1999, Honolulu Star Bulletin), by Betty Shimabukuro
- “Exotic Fruit Trees ” (video, 1995) – by the University of Hawai’i at Manoa, the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
- “Mala La’au“, a garden created in 1994 by the Hawaii Medical Library, has plants donated by Frank Sekiya
- Fruit Gardener, the primary publication of the California Rare Fruit Growers, has had two articles about Mr Sekiya:
- “Frank Sekiya, Hawaiian Pomologist” by William F. Whitman (Volume 24, No. 2 – March/April 1992)
- “Frankie’s Slice of Paradise” by Bob Holzinger (Volume 33, No. 5 – September/October 2001)
- The Summer 2000 issue of “Island Life” [what is this?] has an article with Frank Sakiya in it
- “Ever Green” (December 19, 1997, Honolulu Star Bulletin) by Lois Taylor