No Plot? No Problem

This book rules!

No Plot? No Problem is a mad dash through the philosophy of NaNoWriMo, the National Novel Writing Month, a “contest” in which the participants write s 50,000 word novel in a single month. It happens every November.

If you finish your novel, no matter what it is like, you are a “winner!” Your prize is a new novel, which you wrote!

Chris Baty, the founder of NaNoWriMo, writes about the strategies of succeeding at finishing on time, and the importance of the somewhat arbitrary deadline. The second half of the book is a week-by-week guide through the various pitfalls commonly experienced by people that week.

Even though participants in NaNoWriMo benefit immensely from the support of their fellow authors, this book will work even if you start on another month.

Also mentioned: NaNoEdMo, the National Novel Editing Month, which happens every March.


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