Dude, Where’s My Job?

Yesterday was a busy day for me. I got back on my schedule at the gym, and got in at a reasonable time. ShaC was doing something important and I got really absorbed in something I was working on, so I ended up going to “lunch” around 3 pm.

One hour and a giant Jamba Juice later, I wandered back to the office. Everyone in engineering was clustered around one cube. I started working anyway.

After about five minutes, they were still talking. I walked over and asked what was up. “Layoffs,” they said. Joshua had been laid off, along with several people in the next row. Uh oh!

One of the senior engineers told me there was one more envelope, and I should check it wasn’t mine. One the way to the section of the building where management has their offices, I saw ShaC – he didn’t know if I was on the list, but he sure was, and so was Catherine, his teammate. He was cleaning out his cube.

My manager, who had taken over our group when our previous manager left, had seemingly left for the day. For ten minutes I didn’t know for sure if I had a job or not.

I finally found the CIO/CFO. Yep, my job had evaporated, along with over half of Engineering. We went over the various papers.

So uh… there it is. The economy is recovering! That is why all the jobs are still hemorrhaging from America! Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength.

One thought on “Dude, Where’s My Job?

  1. Oh Bri/an…that sucks! (bleahhhhh)

    There are more jobs out there — i am sending positive thoughts in your direction. I can’t believe though, that they couldn’t lay you off to your face (by letter on your desk? sh*t!)

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