Tape Flags

Finally, a magazine that comes with tape flags.

ShaC loaned me his copy of CARGO magazine which is basically a men’s shopping magazine- “ooh look at all this cool stuff I can buy.” One of the pages is an entire sheet of CARGO tape flags to hold your pages for you. And, fortunately, the page the flags are from is slightly of shorter width than the rest of the pages… so you can flip to it easily. Otherwise, you know I would flag the flags, because I’m crazy like that.

More magazines should do this so everyone can be as obsessive about their magazines as I am.

My only complaint- the binding makes it hard to rip out advertisements and hard to lay the magazine flat while, say, at the gym. Wired and the Utne Reader have this same kind of binding. That’s the first thing I do to Newsweek, Businessweek, or Star- rip out all the stiff ads so my magazine is nice and floppy. Notice none of this has anything to do with the content of the magazine.

Are you afraid yet?

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