I had a craving this morning for a steamed chicken bun for breakfast. Hong Kong Bakery in Mountain View has great ones… I called up ShaC and offered him one, and drove over.
Except when I got there, they didn’t have any that day. Only pork buns (which are still extremely good). Apparently the chicken supplier was flaking today… when I made a joke about Asian Bird Flu the counter girl just looked at me quizzically.SHAC: they need to take the chickens off of egg laying duty and make them lay more buns
I don’t know why, but I’m compelled to pull apart the bun before I eat it. Maybe just to look at the stuff inside… I do this with a lot of different finger-foods.
This used to drive my roommate Richele insane. She would start screaming “STOP PICKING APART YOUR FOOD AND JUST TAKE A BITE OUT OF IT!! YOU EAT LIKE A LITTLE MONKEY!!!”
Mrmmmm chicken buns!
Actually — it’s quite wise to open up the bun before eating it. Do you know how HOT the filling can get? By opening it up first, you let the steam out, and let the filling cool down, thereby avoiding a nasty mouth burn.