There is a “sport” revolving around stacking cups. Cup Stacking. Like drinking cups. Except not really like drinking cups because these have holes in the bottom to let the air out when you’re collapsing one cup onto another.
In “Cycle Stacking” contestants (generally kids) stack and unstack 12 cups in particular configurations:
- a pyramid of 3, a pyramid of 6, and a pyramid of 3
- two pyramids of 6
- a pyramid of 1, a pyramid of 10, and a pyramid of 1
There is an entire universe behind this obscure competative sport.
Just like any other sport Cup Stacking has its big equipment manufacturer- Speed Stacks will meet all your Cup Stacking needs. The cups come in over a dozen different colors and even chromed weighted versions – “just like the pros use!”“Super Stacks™ – The weighted competition training cups that are used just before competing.“. There is a World Cup Stacking Association which defines the regulations for the competitions and the cups to be stacked. There are Stacking Camps you can send your kid to, where they can learn phrases like “Downstacking”: “ Term used for “unstacking” or putting cups down. Hands may not be on two stacks simultaneously either in the Up Stacking or Down Stacking phase. Down Stacking must follow the same direction as the Up Stacking phase (i.e. if you “up stack” from left to right, you must also “down stack” from left to right). “