Audrey Napoleon and steak

BRAIN: audrey napoleon in spotify
BRAIN: pretty sure she’s a vampire
PJ: er
BRAIN: did you see her photos?
PJ: yeah
PJ: googled the name

BRAIN: like wtf is that
BRAIN: I’ll get a stake
PJ: ha
PJ: you get a stake ready, I’ll distract by placing a steak?

BRAIN: vampire hunting is not to be trifled with
BRAIN: the undead are an abomination that must be scoured clean from the earth
PJ: Absolutely

Holiday Advice from Callum the Personal Trainer

People, don’t take a break from the gym. The timing couldn’t be worse.

You will stop coming, there is no accountability, you will eat like a pig, drink like a two bit whore and in Jan be fat, broke and ashamed. The sun goes down at 3:30, you have a cold, your partner can’t lift the toilet seat to save his life – you go back to work and it’s still run by retards, you have carb/salt face and you want to die.

Come to the gym- just make an appearance twice a week- so we know you are alive, and all will be well.