Time Machine “preparing”

I had a major bummer experience – I have Time Machine running off a Time Capsule.

I noticed (eventually!) that my backup hadn’t completed for days. Eventually Time Machine popped up a dialog telling me this as well. But why? I watched it run and saw that it never got out of the “Preparing” stage. I let it run for hours. Trying to be especially patient, I even let it run for 48 hours. It never stopped “Preparing.”

I read online you could read some logs or something using Console.app. Console’s icon bounced a couple times, but never brought up a console. I had to Force Quit it. And still Time Machine was Preparing.

I called Apple support. I have an Apple Care membership. They suggested I load the Time Capsule as a drive, and delete the “sparsebundle” there. This would erase all my backups and history, so I could start fresh. While this may have solved things, I didn’t want to do this: what would be the point of backup with Time Machine then?!

They gave me one more hint before I had to go. They said to use Disk Utility and attempt to Repair Disk on the Time Capsule volume. So I did… the process took a long time, even though it estimated it would take an hour… it ended up taking over 2 hours. I let it run all day.

When I got back some bad permissions had indeed been detected, and repaired. I shut down Disk Utility and attempted another Time Machine backup.

This time it worked! It did Preparing for only a few minutes, and then completed the backup, adequately proving that I hadn’t started over from scratch with no history — if I had, this Preparing would have taken hours.

Michael Jackson Still Dead

Please stop wailing over Michael Jackson now. I haven’t seen this much unjustified shock/surprise since the Twin Towers were blown up by terrorists.

Hey here’s a news flash: most if not all your childhood idols, if they were older than you, will die while you are alive.

They may even die if they were younger than you.

They will for sure die at some point.

And so will you. You’re going to die! And there’s so much to do!

Better get crackin’!

This message sponsored by Mr Fucking Obvious