New Energy Into Old Titles

I’ve been reading the new Batman trade paperbacks by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale, The Long Halloween and Dark Victory, and they are pretty great. They are both stories set in Batman’s early years, and are compatible with Frank Miller’s Batman: Year One and the new
Catwoman comics.

The same team also did the upcoming Hulk: Gray which looks pretty cool… While surfing on it I learned a little about their previous Marvel story arcs Spiderman: Blue and Daredevil: Yellow .

I don’t know much about Daredevil except that he’s where Elektra is from (when Frank Miller wrote Daredevil… note I read Frank Miller’s Elektra a long time ago and my copy is falling apart, and Diane thinks she IS Elektra, when she doesn’t think she’s Wonder Woman or Shego). I didn’t see the movie since it had Ben Affleck in it. But I remembered there are the collected Daredevil trade paperbacks with all the Daredevil-Elektra stories in them.

The problem is, there are a bunch of Daredevil collections, and I want to know which ones are which. So I just made a call to Sean at Lee’s Comics and got the lowdown on Daredevil titles. In summary:

  • Daredevil Legends has complete story arcs
  • Daredevil Visionaries collects issues written or drawn by a particular writer/artist, so it might not be a complete story
  • Daredevil: Yellow is a complete story arc by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale (we knew that) and is unrelated to these other two