You Should Make Movies

No Media Kings has this small collection of articles about making movies. The basic message: spend no money; it’s better to finish a ghetto project than to never finish your unfunded blockbuster.

From No Problem : “This is the steel trap that has apprehended thousands who have confused “making a really good movie when I have the time” with not making a movie at all.
Web link of note: You Should Make Movies

Haiku #1

Today’s news-inspired haiku:

big scissors cutting
hurried discharge of patient
oops! the baby’s toe!

ORLANDO, Fla. — There was a medical mistake
at an Orlando hospital Monday as someone
accidentally cut off a baby’s toe.

According to the family, newborn Amirona
Simmons was about to be discharged from
Arnold Palmer Hospital when someone, while
trying cut an ankle ID band, accidentally
cut off the newborn’s toe.