Wasn’t there a Simpsons like this?

From Yahoo’s AP feed:

TOKYO – After selling 300,000 pet-lovers on the Bowlingual gadget that
supposedly translates a dog’s bark into human language, a toymaker hopes to
parlay that success into a new hit product: Meowlingual.

The cat-shaped machine set to go on sale in Japan in November translates
meows and purrs into human phrases such as “I can’t stand it,” although
exact wording hasn’t been decided yet, Tokyo-based Takara Co. said

Where are the blind fat people?

According to a friend, there have been studies linking obesity with an inability to recognise real hunger symptoms:

“…these doctors did these tests…locked one group of normal weight people in a room, and another group of obese people in another. gave both groups only a simple sugar syrup to eat. the normal group ate their usual daily caloric intake of the syrup; ate when they were hungry. the obese people, lacking visual cues, ate hardly anything at all. ”

The implication being that the obese people were becoming hungry primarily through visual cues.